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Air Canada Phone Number Contact Information
Customer Service & Toll free : Air Canada Phone Number Info
How to contact Air Canada? Below is a list of 800 phone numbers for Air Canada Phone Number.
Air Canada Phone Support & Reservations: 1-888-247-2262
- Much thanks to you for calling Air Canada,
- for benefit in English, hit number one
- if you don’t mind browse one of the accompanying four alternatives
- for flight arrival and departure information, press one
- Welcome to the air Canada flight data line, in the event that you answer only a couple of inquiries, I can check the most recent flight status. We should start; does the flight withdraw today the eighteenth of July, yes or no?
- Yes.
- Much thanks to you, please reveal to me the flight number or on the off chance that you don’t have any acquaintance with it say proceed.
- Approve, all things considered, what city does the flight leave from?
- To scan for our most minimal charge, hit number two
- for every now and again made inquiries, hit number three
- to book or roll out improvements to a current reservation, hit number four
Check Flight Arrival/Departure Status: 1-888-422-7533
- Welcome to the air Canada flight data line
- in the event that you answer only a couple of inquiries, I can check the most recent flight status.
- How about we start; does the flight withdraw today the eighteenth of July, yes or no?
- No.
- Approve, would you like the flight withdrawing yesterday or tomorrow?
- Tomorrow.
- Comprehended, Friday nineteenth of July, please reveal to me the flight number or in the event that you don’t have any acquaintance with it, say proceed.
- Affirm, all things considered, what city does the flight leave from?
Source: www.aircanada.com/phone
Air Canada on Facebook : Air Canada – Facebook
Air Canada on Twitter : Air Canada (@AirCanada) · Twitter