Aetna Phone Number

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Aetna Phone Number Contact Information

Customer Service & Toll free : Aetna Phone Number info

How to contact Aetna? Below is a list of 800 phone numbers for Aetna Phone Number.

Aetna Customer Service Phone Number:  1-800-872-3862
hours: 7:00 am and 7:00 pm EST

  • Much obliged to you for calling Aetna Corporate Contact Center in Hartford Connecticut.
  • On the off chance that you know the name or augmentation of the worker in our Hartford, Middletown or Blue Bell office press or say 1.
  • In the event that you are a doctor’s facility or other social insurance specialist organization press or say 2.
  • Our business hours are 7 am through 7 pm Monday through Friday Eastern Time.

Aetna Pay Premium by Phone: 1-866-350-7644

  • The telephone pay framework can be utilized to process an installment on your Aetna account. exchanges entered after 6pm eastern time will be handled the following business day. Toward the finish of the call you will get an installment compliance number.
  • You will require the Aetna receipt you might want to pay which demonstrates your gathering’s or record number or part number and receipt number.
  • Both are situated on your Aetna charge. In the event that you wish to proceed with your installment please squeeze 1.
  • If it’s not too much trouble enter your charging record or gathering number or part number took after by the pound sign,
  • the record or gathering number or part number is situated close to the highest point of your bill.
  • For Alpha characters press the comparing numeric key from your phone key cushion.
  • Whenever amid this call you can press the star key to come back to the principle menu
  • to end the ring essentially hang.

Aetna Pharmacy Phone Number : 1-800-238-6279

  • Much obliged to you for calling Aetna Pharmacy administration. Your call possibly recorded to guarantee quality administration. On the off chance that your call is in regards to a part that partakes in the Medicare physician recommended tranquilize program please press or say 1.
  • On the off chance that you are a drug specialist press or say 1
  • in the event that you range part press or say 2.
  • In the event that you are a doctor or a long haul tend to tranquilize pre affirmation press or say 3.
  • All others press or say zero or stay on hold.



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