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Amazon Phone Number Contact Information
Customer service & Toll-free: Amazon Phone Number info
How to contact Amazon? Below is a list of 800 phone numbers for Amazon Phone Number.
Amazon Customer Service Number: Call (800) 511-1837
- Thank you for calling the Amazon customer service number. This call could be recorded for quality purposes.
- For orders, delivery and returns press 1.
- For Prime Membership, press 2.
- Info for Kindle device and kindle book purchases, press 3.
- For all other questions press 0.
- Just a moment, an associate will join you shortly.
- To change altogether or refresh your records setting press 2
- For things delivery, to help you as fast as it can be, please have your order number with you.
Amazon Live Chat Customer Service: 1-800-511-1837
Monday – Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, and Saturday – Sunday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m
Contact Amazon Customer Service via Phone, Chat, and Email.
Amazon Prime Phone Number: 1-800-511-1837
Kindle Support Number: 1-888-694-6982
Amazon Legal Department Contact: 1-888-694-6982
P.O. Box 81226
Seattle, WA 98108
phone: (206) 266-4064
fax: (206) 266-7010
Amazon Web Services Number (AWS) :
Phone: 206-266-4064.
Amazon Country Customer Service Numbers
- Amazon Mexico +52 55 4169 7182.
- Japan Amazon +81 3-4540-5951
- Amazon Korea Toll-Free 80-822-0306
- Europe Amazon 0800 496 1081
- Amazon Australia 1 -206-266-2992
- Amazon UK 800 085 5175
- Switzerland Amazon Toll-Free 800 116 655
- Russia Amazon Toll-Free 800 333-23-25
Source: https://www.amazon.com/phone