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DHL Phone Number Contact Information
Customer service & Toll free : DHL Phone Number info
How to contact DHL ? Below is a list of 800 phone numbers for DHL Phone Number.
Contact Center: 1-800-225-5345
- DHL Express, your expert in global transportation, calls possibly checked for quality confirmation and don’t hesitate to interfere with me at whenever, which might you want to do?
- plan a get
- track a bundle
- discover a drop off area
- get a rate or travel cite
- hear news about DHL or get some information about something unique
Customer Service DHL Same Day: 1-800-DHL-ASAP (1-800-345-2727)
- Much thanks to you for calling DHL same day, when tomorrow was past the point of no return utilize DHL same day to meet all you’re delivering needs, please listen painstakingly as the prompts have as of late changed
- in the event that you know your gathering’s expansion please press the pound key took after by that augmentation number to be straightforwardly associated
- for household client benefit including Puerto Rico please squeeze 1
- for global client benefit please squeeze 2
- in case you’re an aircraft delegate please squeeze 3
- for bookkeeping please squeeze 4
- for operator organization please squeeze 5
- in case you’re calling from DHL please squeeze 6
- to discover your gathering by name please squeeze 7,
- to rehash this menu please squeeze 9, your call perhaps recorded for quality affirmation.
International Numbers
- Australia 1-800-059-600
- Belgium 0800-81038
- Brazil 0800-892-1589
- Canada 800-345-2727
- Carribean 800-345-2727
- China/Netcom Group 10-800-711-0934
- China/Telcom South 10-800-110-0860
- Czech Republic 800-143-513
- France 0800-90-5402
- Germany 0800-181-1574
- Hong Kong 800-96-2445
- India 000-800-100-1445
- Ireland 1-800-559-015
- Italy 800-789322
- Japan/KDDI 00531-11-4474
- Japan/NTT 0034-800-900297
- Japan/Softbank 0066-33-830208
- Korea 00798-1-1-002-3365
- Malaysia 1-800-81-4666
- Mexico 001-800-345-2727
- New Zealand 0-800-451443
- Norway 800-16769
- Phillipines 1-800-1-111-0601
- Singapore 0800-110-1728
- South Africa 0800-983-736
- Spain 900-9-71127
- Taiwan 00801-10-4240
- Thailand 001-800-110063187
- United Kingdom 0808-234-2907
- United States 800-345-2727
- Argentina 0800-333-0165
source: www.dhl.com/phone