Visa Phone Number

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Visa Phone Number Contact Information

Customer service & Toll free : Visa Phone Phone Number info

How to contact Visa Phone ? Below is a list of 800 phone numbers for Visa Phone Phone Number.

Global Customer Assistance Center: 1-800-847-2911

  • Welcome to Visa, for English press one, [para espanol, marke dos].
  • On the off chance that you are a Visa card holder squeeze one
  • for account data, for example, account adjust stick or installment data squeeze one,
  • to report your card as lost or stolen, or to ask for a crisis card or money squeeze two.
  • To catch up on a crisis card or money ask for squeeze 3,
  • for every single other advantage squeeze four
  • for every single other enquiry squeeze 5.
  • To hear this menu again squeeze 9, please enter your visa account number took after by the pound sign. If it’s not too much trouble enter in your reaction…
  • in the event that you are a monetary organization that issues Visa card, squeeze two,
  • in the event that you are a trader, please squeeze three,
  • The event that you might want to apply for a Visa card or all other Visa enquiries squeeze four.
  • To hear this menu once more, squeeze nine

Visa Travelers Cheque Global Refund and Assistance Center: 1-800-227-6811 (24/7)

  • A debt of gratitude is in order for calling the Visa voyagers check worldwide discount benefit
  • to confirm the status of explorers’ checks please squeeze one.
  • Take a gander at the backers name to one side of the Visa logo;
  • on the off chance that the name is between installment administrations or Banko De Brazil or City Corp please squeeze one.
  • For some other backer please remain at stake; all calls are recorded for preparing and quality control and possibly evaluated later to check the points of interest you have given.
  • To report the misfortune or burglary of the explorers checks or for an inquiry on a current on a leaving repost please squeeze two.
  • For enquiries about the Visa card please squeeze three.
  • For some other voyagers check enquiry on some other explorers check enquiries, please squeeze four.